The Art of Saying No For Introverts

James Killian, LPC
3 min readJan 23, 2023


Life can be challenging if you’re an introvert. Simple interactions for most people sometimes feel anxious and uncomfortable for an introvert. The mere idea of taking part in certain social events can be exhausting and emotionally draining to an introvert. With this in mind, mastering the art of saying no for introverts is a must.

While some things like business meetings, can’t be missed, other social gatherings can be skipped. Learning how to say no with confidence to the events you don’t have to attend is a critical skill for introverts. At first, this might feel almost as uncomfortable as actually attending the event, but accepting that you need to put your own needs ahead of others in times like these is critical.



When it comes to saying no for introverts, it’s important that you find a way to be honest so you don’t end up battling guilt instead of people at a social gathering.

Most people tend to feel a lot of pressure to give a myriad of details on why we can’t accept an invite. If we don’t feel like we have a good enough excuse, some of us will blatantly lie, which then makes us feel bad.

There is no need to lie and no need to give more details than necessary. You can simply say, “Thanks so much but I already have plans.” We all have plans all of the time. You may plan on doing the laundry that night or watching Netflix while eating chocolate peanut butter ice cream (great plan, BTW). That is the truth but it is no one else’s business but yours.


The art of saying no for introverts includes expressing your sincere gratitude for the invitation while graciously declining.

Before saying “no,” be gracious and thank the person very much for inviting you in the first place. “Thanks so much for the invite. I really appreciate it, but…”

It will make the other person feel good that they made you feel good by thinking of you.


To master the art of saying no for introverts, you need to practice. Ideally, have a canned response you are used to saying and comfortable using.

It’s easy to say no in a text or email, but saying no in-person can feel incredibly awkward if you’re an introvert or a highly sensitive person. The best thing to do is just practice saying, “Thanks so much for asking but I already have plans that day/evening,” so that it comes out naturally and you feel comfortable saying it.

Before saying no to an invite, I encourage you to weigh the pros and cons. I know being introverted can be challenging, but I also know that it can get pretty lonely at times. Saying yes once in a while may not be as bad as you think. While saying no to a huge, loud party may make sense for you, be open-minded and look for those new social situations you actually might be able to handle and enjoy. You never know the kind of fun you could have or new friends you could make

James Killian, LPC is the Principal Therapist & Owner of Arcadian Counseling in Greater New Haven, CT where they specialize in helping over-thinkers, high achievers, and perfectionists reduce stress, increase fulfillment and enhance performance so they can move From Surviving To Thriving.



James Killian, LPC

Principal Therapist & Owner at Arcadian Counseling in Woodbridge, CT.